Comodo CA, the world’s largest commercial Certificate Authority, announced that the company is rebranding to Sectigo. The company unveiled its new name to limit market confusion and better represent the breadth and direction of its solutions, timed with the one-year anniversary of its acquisition by Francisco Partners in a carve-out from Comodo Group.
What is changing now that Comodo CA is Sectigo?
This is primarily a branding change, so pretty much anything with Comodo CA branding is being updated to the new Sectigo logos and colors. Sectigo is also using this as an opportunity to streamline its website and interfaces with the aim of improving customer experience. Right away the two biggest places you’ll probably notice a difference will be the Sectigo site seal and some of the product names. Specifically the eponymous Comodo SSL/TLS certificate line will now be the Sectigo line. Others, like PositiveSSL and InstantSSL will now be ‘powered by Sectigo.’

If I have a Comodo CA product, do I need to make changes ?
No. You do not need to make changes to your existing solution.
What will happen to the legacy Comodo trusted roots ?
The change to USERTrust roots will happen seamlessly with no action needed for customers or partners. Existing certificates, issuing CAs, and roots will remain active and trusted. The new Sectigo intermediates will be used to fulfill new requests, renewal requests, and requests that are pending at the time of this transition. Reissuance requests that are handled directly by Sectigo will be fulfilled using the same issuing CA that issued the original certificate.